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- Liverpooli nuk ka mëshirë
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Top-golashënuesi i Kampionatit anglez, Luis Suarez, e hapi llogarinë në portën vendase (18’).
Sterling dhe Coutinho i krijuan rast Jordan Hendersonit, i cili bëri që Redsat të shkonin në pushim me dy gola epërsi (40’).
Për vendasit u përkeqësuan gjërat në fraksionin e dytë kur Paulinho u përjashtua me karton të kuq pas ndërhyrjes së rrezikshme në Suarez (64’).
Liverpool was not merciful in what should be called derby of the week in the Premier League before being humiliated Tottenham fans at White Hart Lane with the score 5-0.
Top-scorer of the English League, Luis Suarez, opened the account in the local gate (18 ').
Sterling and created Coutinho case of Jordan Henderson, who led the Reds to go to break with a two goal lead (40 ').
For locals worsened things when Paulinho second faction was expelled with a red card after dangerous intervention in Suarez (64 ').